About Me

Hello! I’m Adam and this will be a medium in which I share my thoughts. I like to believe that these thoughts can range from incredibly dumb to incredibly insightful, with a higher weighting towards insightful. Ultimately though, this will be up to you to decide.

I will try to write about things that I find pertinent and interesting at any given moment. As a result, the topics may or may not be about a bunch of random unrelated things.

As a corollary, the consistency of how often this site will be updated is not clear at the moment. This is due to both the fact that I believe that quality content cannot be produced if it is subject to a strict fixed scheduled as well as the fact that I am very lazy at (most) times.


A citizen of the world who’s still trying to figure out his place. Professionally, tries to buy low and sell high many times. Enjoys playing games of skill and chance degenerately, eating tasty food copiously, and playing instruments occasionally and badly.

Reach out

Do you want to an intense discussion or an impassioned argument or just somewhere to dump some advice?